September 18 -- October 24, 2003
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 18, 2003
7PM to 9PM
the new Uptown gallery devoted to new media, presents Eduardo Cintron's
"The Bewildered Herd" -- an exhibition about the political
animal in all of us.
By transgressing the conventions of imaging through digital manipulation,
new media artist Eduardo Cintron explores notions of identity and truth
in the synthetic reality of the nation-state, where consent is manufactured
by an all-powerful, omnipresent and omniscient media. Noam Chomsky and
Walter Lippmann, who coined the term the "bewildered herd,"
are Cintron's original sources of inspiration. Lippmann used the unflattering
expression to explain how knowledge is monopolized by an elite few and
parceled out to the unsuspecting masses as a way of managing democracy.
Cintron, a promising artist from San Juan, Puerto Rico, went on to conduct
his own investigations into media and human behavior. "The Bewildered
Herd" exhibition is the result, a series of digital prints and
conceptual work functioning in consonance with an interactive, web-based
installation. The exhibition is, as the artist has said, the first of
several "ensayos" or essays examining the interstices of media
and reality
Artist's talk: October 4, 2003, 2:00 pm.
for more
by the artist:
for more
about the founders of MediaNoche:

© 2003, Eduardo Citron
:: photos of gallery opening