An Exhibition By Stephanie Owens
November 13, 2003 - January 10, 2004
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 13, 7PM -
the new Uptown gallery devoted to new media, presents Stephanie Owens's
"Liquid_Eden -- The Discreet Paradise of Networks".
By placing the artwork in the hands of remote Web users who click into
the exhibition site, Owens's project reflects the shift of art away from
individual authorship to the domain of public accessibility and mutability.
The installation comprises two large-scale, networked projections of a
single lily onto a pair of Baroque panels. Over the course of the exhibition,
the lilies are systematically destroyed by the cumulative actions of visitors
to the project Web site (www.medianoche.us/liquid_eden)
forming a luminous animation in perpetual erosion. As witnesses to this
spectacle of life and disintegration, we are challenged to re-think our
relationship to image and the role of information networks in dictating
that relationship.
For Owens, who is also a painter, the Web can be read in different ways.
"There is a common conception of the Web as a form of proliferation
and generation", she explains, "but it is rarely seen as a destructive
force. I am interested in the material aspects of networked communication
-- transforming the hypothesis of interconnectivity into an physical artifact
--- a stain that makes manifest the presence of people united in a common
behavior in time". In Liquid_Eden, immediacy is transformed into
a tangible record of looking and thereby making legible the impact of
our collective mark.
Stephanie Owens is an artist living and working in New York City.
Owens is also an instructor at Parsons School of Art and Design, where
she teaches "Signs of Life - The Aesthetics of Reality in Digital
Culture" in the Graduate Department of Design & Technology.
for more
by the artist:

© 2003, Stephanie Owens
photos of gallery opening
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:: Eduardo Cintron